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Who are CWaCS?

CWaCS was formed in 2010 as a result of the Chalgrove Village Plan, a survey which asked all residents of Chalgrove how they would improve upon their parish; there was an overwhelming desire to plant more trees and flowers, making Chalgrove a prettier place to live, and to protect our flora and fauna.

This would require funding, organisation, knowledge, and a host of volunteers to give their time and energy and, as a result, CWaCS was established. Our main aims are:

  • To raise awareness of the local environment and wildlife and to promote an understanding of conservation issues
  • To encourage local residents, and in particular the children, to take part in activities and projects which enhance and protect the wildlife and environment within Chalgrove both now and for the future
  • To produce a comprehensive record of the wildlife and local environment within a Chalgrove Parish Conservation Plan ('PCP')
  • To create a nature reserve within Chalgrove which may be shared by the whole community as a place of enjoyment, solitude, and education
  • To help protect and to promote endangered wildlife species
  • To optimise the potential for wildlife within the area
  • To undertake or commission wildlife surveys
  • To continually enhance the aesthetics of the village
  • To improve access to the countryside and encourage its use

For more information on our structure and aims, please go to our Constitution.